Parsing any char

In a previous chapter we created a parser that could parse a single specific character. An other useful parser would parse a string would start with any of a group of characters.

To be more precise. Let's say that we would like to parse a &str if it starts with a digit. What we would like to achieve is to pass the following test

    fn parse_any_digit() {
        let input = "0123";
        let parser = any(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit());

        let actual = parser.parse(input);

        let expected = Ok(('0', "123"));
        assert_eq!(actual, expected);

We will go through all the motions of creating a parser once more.


We will create a struct that will contain everything it needs to make our wish come through. For this we need to be able to store a predicate, a function that will decide on the characters we expect.

pub struct Any<F> where F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sized {
    predicate: F,

Here F is an alias for the Fn(char) -> bool + Sized type. Our predicate, is a function that accepts a character and tells use if it does or does not fall in our category. The Sized restriction is necessary because we want to store it in our field.

Impl Parser

Next we our going to implement the Parser trait. The basic idea is, given our input

  1. Check if it starts with a character from our category.
  2. If it does, return it and the rest of the input.
  3. If it does not, return an error.

The difference with the Character parser is that String does not have a convenience method like starts_with that we can use. Instead we can use an iterator over the characters of our input. See below for details.

impl<'a, F> Parser<'a, char> for Any<F> where F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sized {
    fn parse(&self, input: &'a str) -> Result<(char, &'a str), ParseError> {
        let character = input.chars().next();
        match character {
            Some(c) => {
                if (self.predicate)(c) {
                    Ok((c, &input[1..]))
                } else {

            None => {

We ask our input for an iterator over its characters. Match on the first character if it exists, and if it does, check to see if it is in the category. Notice that we introduced two new ParseErrors.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ParseError {

Constructor and Factory

The final two steps are to create a constructor and a convenient factory.

impl<F> Any<F> where F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sized {
    pub fn new(predicate: F) -> Self {
        Self { predicate }

pub fn any<'a, F>(predicate: F) -> impl Parser<'a, char> where F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sized {


Just like the first parser we made, we followed a predictable course.

  1. Choose a datatype that allows the parser to do it's job.
  2. Implement Parser for it.
  3. Create a constructor.
  4. Create a factory.

This pattern will be repeated many times.


  1. Implement the Any parser.
  2. Write some tests to check your implementation.