
In this chapter we get down to the brass tacks and implement the level function of the Interpreter.


As we learned in the L-system section, interpretation of the system comes down to repeatedly iterating the following

  1. Take the current word
  2. Replace each symbol with it's production.

A word for is a vector of symbols. A symbol is anything that implements the Symbol trait.

Knowing the production for each symbol is the job of the L-system, specifically the rules of the L-system.

To start this process of, we need a jumping of point. Our axiom. Is exactly what we need.

So it seems that we have everything in place to get started.


Iterators are ubiquitous in Rust. From the documentation

If you've found yourself with a collection of some kind, and needed to perform an operation on the elements of said collection, you'll quickly run into 'iterators'. Iterators are heavily used in idiomatic Rust code, so it's worth becoming familiar with them.

Since we want to iterate our process, iterators should fit the bill. And Rust doesn't disappoint.

In the standard library there is an iterator Successors that is perfect for our scenario. We only need to provide the first item and the succ function that compute each item's successor


The first item of our successors iterator it the axiom of our L-system. Because we need to transfer ownership to the caller, we better clone the axiom before iterating on it.

let start: Vec<T> = self.lsystem.axiom.iter().cloned().collect();


The succ function signature is FnMut(&Vec<T>) -> Option<Vec<T>>. It is called with the our current word, and should return the successor.

    let next = word.iter().flat_map(|symbol| self.lsystem.rules.apply(*symbol)).collect();

Let's unpack that, on step at the time.

To access the individual symbols in our word we iterate over them with word.iter(). Next we want to map each symbol to its production, hence the |symbol| self.lsystem.rules.apply(*symbol). But since each production is a vector of symbols in itself, we use a flat map instead of a regular map. Since we want a Vec<T> at some point we collect the successor.

Putting it together

All the moving parts of the implementation are in place, we just have to put together.

pub fn level(&self, n : usize) -> Vec<T> {
    let start: Vec<T> = self.lsystem.axiom.iter().cloned().collect();
    successors(Some(start), |word|{
        let next = word.iter().flat_map(|symbol| self.lsystem.rules.apply(*symbol)).collect();
    }).nth(n).unwrap() // there should always be an production

One final trick can be found at the end. It uses the nth function on Iterators to pick the word we want. Since we always produce an next word, the unwrap can be safely done.


  1. Implement the level function of our interpreter.
  2. Test your Interpreter.